Reading outside the Classroom Series (10 Volumes) (in Chinese) 課堂外的讀本系列(一套10冊套裝)

A Discussion on the Continuity of the Enlightenment? (in Chinese) 啟蒙是連續的嗎?

The Plight of China’s Intellectuals—From Past to Present (In Chinese) 中國知識分子的困境

Heart Sutra (In Chinese) 心經

The Legacy of Deng Xiaoping (In Chinese) 鄧小平的遺產

And There Remained Bleak Solitude-Reminiscences of Modern Chinese Intellectuals (In Chinese) 人散後,夜涼如水—緬懷當代中國知識分子

East Asia at a Crossroads: Regional Cooperation or Competition? (In Chinese) 十字路口上的東亞區域整合—競爭還是合作?

Opening the Door of China: Yan Lianke’s Collected Overseas Writings (In Chinese) 推開中國的另外一扇窗—海外隨筆集

The Lives of Chinese Intellectuals: Where Time and Destiny Meet (In Chinese) 知識分子個人史—時代與命運

When You Could Be Normal (In Chinese) 正常就好