For decades, Austria has been implementing sustainable development principles in ecological, social and economic dimensions. Sustainable development is a constitutional state goal, and a powerful and vital culture of sustainability has developed in public administration, business, the scientific community and civil society.
Concerning nutrition and food production, a high percentage of land being organically farmed makes Austria a world leader in this regard. Fresh, pure water is a treasure Austria is particularly proud of – unsurprisingly, therefore, the locals handle it with great care: 100% of Austria’s water comes from springs and groundwater, it is crystal-clear and of great quality. Austria is also working to protect and restore ecosystems. Austria is a country of forests. Almost 48% of the national territory is covered by forest, and around 22.6 % of Austria’s woodland is located in protected areas.
With a rising educational level and an above EU average in lifelong learning, Austria ranks consistently highly in the Employability Index, which documents the employment rates of recent graduates. Austria promotes competitiveness and innovation while safeguarding the diversity of natural resources, ecosystem services and social progress. Its well-developed social and health-care system is key in combating poverty and social exclusion, ensuring high-quality health-care to everybody, including disadvantaged and highly vulnerable groups. Targeted measures improve the living conditions of, among others, persons with disabilities, older persons, young people and children, as well as, in particular, disadvantaged and socially excluded groups.
Austria also uses its position as the official seat of International Organisations to promote sustainable development on a global level. Austria plays an active role in the EU and in International Organisations and is an official seat of the United Nations. With the Vienna International Centre, known locally as UNO City, Vienna is one of the four main headquarters of the United Nations and has a unique position in international cooperation as the official seat of 40 International Organisations.