Children’s & YA
Dear Ghost! Come and See Me!
■ Book Summary
Once said by her bother that people become a ghost after their death, and Young-Woo misses her grandma so badly still prayed to meet grandma. However, her prayer got wrong and passed to ghosts in the whole world. Will Young-Woo’s wish come true?
■ A Story about Genuine Fear – Not Being Able to See a Loved One Again
What did Young-woo truly fear? It wasn’t the world’s scariest ghosts. It was the fact that she could never see her grandmother again. She missed her grandmother so much that she prayed that she would come to see her, whether as a ghost or not, making her fearless of ghosts. Ordinarily, when someone dear to us passes away, we feel a sense of loss and sadness. This book says that ‘death’ is indeed sad and difficult, but it may not be scary or depressing if you change your view like the main character, Young-woo. Young-woo’s longing for her grandmother and innocent imagination delivers warm feelings and happy smiles.
■ Exciting Stories of Various Ghosts from around the World
Here is a brave and wise girl who scolds ghosts and points out their mistakes instead of being afraid of them. She is the main character, Young-Woo. Children will feel satisfied and even exhilarated, seeing Young-Woo scolding the ghosts that they used to be afraid. They would also learn that they can find a new perspective if you look at and think about any being or situation a little differently or find a new approach if they can think beyond stereotypes.
Once said by her bother that people become a ghost after their death, and Young-Woo misses her grandma so badly still prayed to meet grandma. However, her prayer got wrong and passed to ghosts in the whole world. Will Young-Woo’s wish come true?
■ A Story about Genuine Fear – Not Being Able to See a Loved One Again
What did Young-woo truly fear? It wasn’t the world’s scariest ghosts. It was the fact that she could never see her grandmother again. She missed her grandmother so much that she prayed that she would come to see her, whether as a ghost or not, making her fearless of ghosts. Ordinarily, when someone dear to us passes away, we feel a sense of loss and sadness. This book says that ‘death’ is indeed sad and difficult, but it may not be scary or depressing if you change your view like the main character, Young-woo. Young-woo’s longing for her grandmother and innocent imagination delivers warm feelings and happy smiles.
■ Exciting Stories of Various Ghosts from around the World
Here is a brave and wise girl who scolds ghosts and points out their mistakes instead of being afraid of them. She is the main character, Young-Woo. Children will feel satisfied and even exhilarated, seeing Young-Woo scolding the ghosts that they used to be afraid. They would also learn that they can find a new perspective if you look at and think about any being or situation a little differently or find a new approach if they can think beyond stereotypes.
Category:Children’s & YA
Author:Jin Soo-kyoung
Illustrator:Jin Soo-kyoung
Publisher:A Thousand Hopes
Rights Contact:widyou@naver.com