Literature & Literary Studies

《方圓》O-Square「Time Folds」


集合長篇創作及評論、學術文章的深度刊物。從今期開始,將為「時間」大做文章。作為新系列前鋒,「Time Folds」立意跳脫線性常規,探究時間為何、如何摺疊變形——人的執念千變萬化,對時間的想像亦衍生紛繁形態。即使現實時間不可逆轉,但若我們願意把生命結晶為文字、為圖畫,一支緊緊握住的筆至少可以畫出時間的更多可能。作者包括張偉雄、譚劍、陳冠中、江康泉等。

Dedicated to long fictions, critics and academic essays, this issue of O-Square, Time Folds explores various concepts of time by rejecting the conventional linear understanding of it. The way we view, interact with and imagine time in fact denotes the ever-changing human obsession. And through creative works, fragments of human life are captured beyond its own limits. Contributing authors include Chang Wai Hung, Albert Tam, Chan Koonchung and Kongkee.


Category:Literature & Literary Studies
Author:Chang Wai Hung, Albert Tam, Chan Koonchung and Kongkee et al.
Publisher:香港文學館 The House of Hong Kong Literature
Rights Contact:香港文學館 The House of Hong Kong Literature