
[Winner/Fiction] Bullets Are the Remaining Life 子彈是餘生


— Are such conundrums the fate of genius, or simply trouble invited foolishly upon oneself?

The nine short stories in this book follow the interconnected trials and tribulations of a group of gifted friends. It is the death of the protagonist, a seemingly unapproachable individual and the object of both adoration and vilification, after falling from the 23rd floor of a hotel that triggers the start of journeys of mourning interspersed with jealousies, desires, hatred, uncertainties, humiliation, and impotence. Why would a genius who had everything choose to end their life? Does life still have meaning when the person you could never even dream of holding a candle to checks out first? Are such conundrums the fate of genius, or simply trouble invited foolishly upon oneself?


Author:SHENG-HAO TSAO 寺尾哲也
Publisher:Linking Publishing Company 聯經出版事業公司
Rights Contact:Whitney Hsu