
[Winner/Fiction] Brother 弟弟


—It is the dust of the bricks of that time that remind us we still need love and must care for one another.

Listening to those pithy, nostalgic remembrances of old streets, shops, and life stories, I discovered Hong Kong to be a font of engagingly finespun stories. No … not thrilling tales peppered with cliffhangers, but, rather, cozy nostalgia-laden walks down memory lane. The resonant significance helps bring us all closer together. Accompanying my brother from infancy into adulthood, made me also an author of our collective memories of a city that was changing with no hope of return. However, it is the dust of the bricks of that time that remind us we still need love and must care for one another.


Author:WAI-YEE CHAN 陳慧
Publisher:ECUS Cultural Enterprise Ltd. 木馬文化事業股份有限公司
Rights Contact:Ms. Kim Pai