Health & Personal Development

One minute a time! No shortness of breath even at 100 years old! Long Life Breathing


The “lungs” have the highest number of diseases. In fact, pneumonia and aspiration pneumonia have long been among the leading causes of death. However, prior to the coronary disaster, lung diseases were rarely discussed in health programs.
The reason for this is that the lungs are robust and patient organs.
The lungs are an internal organ, a rare organ that is connected to the outside world while also being a life-support system, and although they are constantly exposed to danger, they do not easily show serious symptoms.
In addition, everyone has experienced the common cold, and for this reason, symptoms related to the respiratory system have tended to be neglected.
However, as a result of being forced to “wear a mask as a matter of course” for four years due to the Corona disaster, the number of people facing breathing (organ) problems that cannot be ignored, such as shortness of breath, gasping for breath, and gasping for air, has increased dramatically.
What on earth can we do about it?
In order to solve such problems, a respiratory specialist well-known on TV and other media has written a book, not only for now, but also for the next 100 years, entitled “No Shortness of Breath Until You Are 100! This book provides easy-to-understand explanations of how to breathe, using a wealth of photographs and other information.


Category:Health & Personal Development
Author:Tetsuya Okunaka
Publisher:ASA Publishing Co.,Ltd.
Rights Contact:Lee Mifa