2024 Taipei International Book Exhibition Grand Prize
Non-fiction Award Winners List

Author | Book Title | Publisher |
Wu Tsong-Min | 《A 400-Year History of Taiwanese Economy》 | SpringHill Publishing |

《A 400-Year History of Taiwanese Economy》
Publisher:SpringHill Publishing
In 1624, when the Dutch established a trading post in Tainan, the indigenous economy in Taiwan was a combination of hunting and farming. During the Zheng and Qing dynasties, Taiwan transformed into an agricultural economy, but it experienced prolonged stagnation.
After becoming a Japanese colony in 1895, the colonial government initiated comprehensive infrastructure development, including a land census, improvements in public health, and the modernization of the transportation system. Taiwan underwent a transformation into a market economy, leading to a noticeable increase in people’s income.
Following the end of World War II and the Nationalist government’s takeover of Taiwan, strict economic controls were implemented, resulting in economic stagnation. Fortunately, during the period of U.S. aid (1950-1965), under American influence and pressure, Taiwan shifted back to a market economy system, and continuous high growth occurred in the early 1960s.
The remarkable economic growth in Taiwan over the 40 years of the late 20th century is considered a miracle by scholars. However, when viewed from the perspective of long-term development since the Dutch period, Taiwan’s experience provides clear evidence that a free-market system is more conducive to economic growth than strict controls.

Wu Tsong-Min
Rights Contact:Patience Chuang
W x H cm/pages/price:15.5 x 23 cm/552/NT$660

《The Lost River》
Publisher:SpringHill Publishing
This book discusses the complex issues of Anthropocene, natural ecology, environmental justice, indigenous peoples’ rights, and energy transformation through the social movement of resistance to photovoltaic development in the Jhihben Wetlands in eastern Taiwan. The author does not take ecological conservation as his highest priority, but sketches what has happened to the wetlands over the centuries and learns from the history of Katratripulr tribe.

Huang Han-Yau
Rights Contact:Patience Chuang
W x H cm/pages/price:14.8 x 21 cm/288/NT$400

《Montane Plants, Phytogeography, Hengduan Mts., Taiwan, Himalaya, biogeographical disjunctions, Rhododendron, Fagaceae, Berberis》
Publisher:SpringHill Publishing
Hengduan Mountains is the area with the most ancient montane plants. The disjunctions of plant distribution between Taiwan and Hengduan Mts represents a mysterious journey of the plants. This book reveals these mysteries by the perspective in geology, climate change, fossil and DNA research.

Yu Chih-Chieh
Rights Contact:Patience Chuang
W x H cm/pages/price:17 x 23 cm/464/NT$750

《Tender is the Night》
Publisher:Faces Publications A Division of Cite Publishing Ltd.
“Could you treat me as same way you treat other normal people?”
Dress is code, The Possible Memoirs of a Traitor
One of the most famous playwright in Taiwan Li-Ying, Chien
Well known by the work Blowing-up Adventure of Me!
Cartoonist Huihui
This comic bases its story on the script Tender is the night by the most important playwright in Taiwan Li-Ying, Chien. The story depicts 9 instant relationships established with dating App, and describes people in contemporary life who is open about sex, but unable to face the loneliness and contradiction of relationship.
A printing factory worker who is not popular with women, a lesbian who dates with the mistress of her girlfriend, a mental and physically handicapped dating with a young lesbian, a gay dwarf who desires to be treat as normal gay people, a fat girl with low self-esteem but aggressive…This comic gathers heterosexuals, homosexuals, handicapped and transgender. Although they have different gender identities, body types, and objects of desire, they are all troubled because their inability of love.

Li-Ying, Chien

Rights Contact:Yurou Chen
W x H cm/pages/price:14.8×21 cm/256/NT$380

《Thuann-Khang: In Search of the Coal Towns Deep in Memory》
Publisher:China Times Publishing Company
In the pit, one is not a human; it is only upon leaving the pit that one becomes a human!
Those years when darkness intertwined with prosperity…
If we don’t turn back to search, we will not know what we have forgotten.
Chu Chien-hsuan shot many scenes from Taiwan’s coal industry in its prime. Using these images as clues, he seeks out the miners and residents of mining communities who happened to be captured in them, traversing between the past and the present, intertwining emotions and memories of the coal mining years through serendipitous encounters. Among these interviewees are former miners, female miners, indigenous migrant workers, peripheral workers, children from the mining areas, and even the descendants of mining disaster victims. Their memories awaken the history of the mining towns, allowing us to understand the unique culture in the coal industry and reflect on the pain and injustices left by that era. Looking back through the distance of time, the cultural history of coal mining becomes even more precious.

Chu Chien-hsuan
Rights Contact:Joanne Yang
W x H cm/pages/price:17×23 cm/336/NT$520

《Standing in the Fog》
Publisher:Chiu Ko Publishing Co.,Ltd
First-prize winner of major literary awards in Taiwan, Yang Limin published her long-awaited new work Standing in the Fog. In this collection of essays, Yang’s somber and absurd Kafkaesque narration draws readers into her sad, opaque fog….
Facing the brute world that waves its claws in reality, the beast trapped in her homeland speaks with courage about bloody struggles for survival and finds a warm and tender way to look at the sun. In the innocent language of a bright child whose sharp eyes do not shy away from the dark corners of human mind, Yang’s uninhibited writing, though cynical, does not retreat from society. Caged in the same foggy life day after day, Yang, like the child who points out the truth about the emperor’s new clothes, screams the truth of life’s imperfection and the malice of humanity; yet propels readers to see through the bleakness and splendor of life.

Yang, Limin
Rights Contact:Wanhua Chuang
W x H cm/pages/price:14.8 × 21 cm/224/NT$300

《Here's to us, bottoms up.》
Publisher:Chiu Ko Publishing Co.,Ltd
Through the reading of the Monuments and Memorials in Germany
Inquiring the History of Injustice and Despotism in Taiwan
This book is the first comprehensive study of German’s monuments and memorials to address the historical injustices in Taiwan. The author devotes numerous years of filed works, genealogical research, and extensive analysis to envision a future that, the monuments and memorials need not to serve the roles as they are. Through the thorough studies of the cultural practices of transitional justice in Germany, the book illustrates how the monuments and memorials, under specific historical and ideological transformations, were interwoven with history, political parties, civil society, and art practitioners. The (trans)formations of the monuments and memorials embody the ways a society forms the memory of history, as well as of those whom have been erased by history.

Ông Chiau-hôa
Rights Contact:Wanhua Chuang
W x H cm/pages/price:14.8 × 21 cm/256/NT$360