Kronikas 4
Comic book culture is firmly established in Brussels. This is much less true of Havana , Moscow or Algiers. This time, however, it involves a popular art form that lends itself to themes, of every kind including heritage. While being fully aware of the serious studies and academic publications devoted to this subject, we have sought to make our own unassuming contribution by introducing a dimension that is certainly imaginary, but is nonetheless based on realities that are sometimes concealed yet always experienced.
Author:Askold Akichine, Ariel Alejandro Bravo Morales, Sveta Anatevs, Hilde Baele, Anna Belysheva, Reynier Bermúdez Martínez, Reynaldo Calderín, Guillaume ‘Tertius’ Chevalier, Rocío Cruz Toranzo, Adrián del Pino Sehweret, Rémi Desmots, Noelia Diaz, Ana Roxana Díaz Olano, Eddislén Escobar Nodal, Natalia Fomitcheva, Mei-Lai Fong, Ruslan Gonchar, Laura María González Fernández, Annabelle Gormand Barroux, Richard Hechavarría Castillo, Remy Ramsés Hernández Lois, Izquierdo, Jeroen Janssen, Darya Konopatova, Mariia Konopatova, Julia Kozlova, Leandro Lorenzo García, Dennis Marien, Eyder Maxhenry Garbey Bestard, Raúl Piad Ríos, Julia Reynaud, Ilya Savchenkov, Haziel Scull Suárez, Pedro Luis Pomares Trujillo, Alexeï Trochine, Alice Vandemoortele, David Velázquez Romero, Ilya Voronine.
Publisher:Maison Autrique
Rights Contact:Alexandra Rolland