Signless Buddha-Mindfulness: The Principle and Introductory Practice of Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta’s Dharma-Door for Perfect Mastery Through Buddha-Mindfulness
The Dharma-door of signless Buddha-mindfulness is a highly convenient and efficacious method that can help even a person with the most hectic schedule improve mental concentration. By following the step-by-step cultivation sequence detailed in this book, a practitioner will not only achieve a one-pointed mind but will also be able to hold a bare thought of Buddha in mind regardless of whether he or she is in stillness or in physical motion. For Pure Land practitioners, this level of proficiency in meditative absorption reduces their reliance on signs during practice and propels them closer to the goal of gaining rebirth in Buddha’s pure land at the end of this current lifetime. For Chan practitioners, the ability to maintain one-pointed absorption even during physical motion enables them to contemplate huatou or gong’an, so that eventually they can attain sudden awakening to the True Mind, the ultimate reality to which Buddhist practitioners seek enlightenment. This book was originally published in Chinese over 20 years ago. Since then it has produced great results for all levels of Buddhist learners in Chinese communities. It is hoped that this translation can bring the wonderful benefits of signless Buddha-mindfulness to an even wider audience.
Author: Xiao Pingshi
Publisher:Wholesome Vision Inc.
Rights Contact:https://www.amazon.com/-/zh_TW/Pingshi-Xiao/dp/0997225467/ref=sr_1_15?dchild=1&qid=1635678131&refinements=p_27%3APingshi+Xiao&s=books&sr=1-15&text=Pingshi+Xiao