A double-sided story where mummy and daddy bear meet
First, there’s Papa Bear who wakes up after a long hibernation. Delighted to find himself in the open air, attentive to the flight of a dragonfly, a robin, a ray of sunshine, he sets off on his way…
Then, at the same time, Mama Bear also wakes up and starts exploring the flowering landscape around her. She sets off on her journey as well…
Their progress towards each other is punctuated by a marabout-bout-d’ficelle rhyme, which soon takes us into the playful poetry of the love encounter. In the heart of the book, the tête-à-tête becomes a skin-to-skin contact in the shade of a large tree, right in the centre of the binding, which has never been so well named!
aNNe herbauts lives and works in Brussels. She has studied illustrations and comics in Brussels. She has already published many books. Eight of them were published by Esperluète.