Literature & Literary Studies

《放風》Fang Feng


《放風》收錄黃仁逵九十年代中在《華僑日報》、《新報》、《現代日報》所撰專欄的散文,分為兩輯。第一輯為「四百擊」,共 65 篇,均為庶民人物的精妙速寫;第二輯為「畫外音」,共102篇,主要從生活中的人事物起興,討論藝術,尤其是繪畫的問題。《放風》於1998年由素葉出版社出版,暢銷多刷、而至一度絕版;二十年後,2018年香港文學館修訂再版《放風》,黃仁逵並為「四百擊」部分重繪全部插圖。

Originally published in 1998,《放風》is the collection of Wong Yan-Kwai’s essay column published in Overseas Chinese Daily News, Hong Kong Daily News and Hong Kong Today in the 1990s. Volume 1 (「四百擊」) describes vividly the life of common people in 65 articles, while volume 2 (「畫外音」) takes inspiration from daily life and discusses the everlasting topic of what is art and painting, in total of 102 articles. The House of Hong Kong Literature was authorized to revise and reprint in 2008 with a new addition of illustration by the author.


Category:Literature & Literary Studies
Author:黃仁逵 Wong Yan-Kwai
Publisher:香港文學館 The House of Hong Kong Literature
Rights Contact:香港文學館 The House of Hong Kong Literature