Korea’s hottest genre fiction writers assembled to create the most entertaining books! The story unfolds in the fictional city of Wolyeong, where strange ghost stories come alive in a mysterious horror story, a horrifying mystery story created by 20 mystery and ghost story writers. “Creative, chilling, captivating!”
“I knew at first glance, you’re broken inside, just like me.”
Among them, ‘The Curse’ deals with materials that are faithful to human instincts. Hate and hatred in human hearts explode as they are combined with the space of Wolyeong City, a city that gives someone the power to harm.
BOOK TRAILER: https://youtu.be/T7dsK8EaQLc
Author:Se-ho Jung, Myoung-eun Bae, Ji-woon Hong, Yu-cheol Kim, Sae-ma Han