Publisher:Global Kids Books, a division of Global Views - Commonwealth Publishing Group

Book Introduction

If your room becomes a car, a boat, a submarine, a rocket…
Taking you to the sea and through space,
Where will you be tomorrow?
Told in the first person point-of-view, the little boy in green clothes and green hat is like Peter Pan, inviting young readers to join his imaginary journey.


Jimmy Liao

Rights Contact:Siera Lai
W x H cm/pages/price:20.5×27.6 cm/48/NT$380

《The Wall War》

Publisher:Yuan-Liou Publishing Co Ltd

Book Introduction

If people keep fighting with each other, what would the world be?
The story is about two boys who want to win the space on the wall from the other. The competition (and how they dealt with the result) between the boys is clear that young readers could easily identify with. The text is simple and straight while the images are complex. The images on the walls and windows imply the fragments of the historical events such as The Holocaust and Berlin Wall, and the contemporary social issues such as children’s education and economic inequality. When the readers discovered the messages behind the images, maybe this would let they to think: What if I am the one who drew, what kind of world that I want to create? In the world that all kinds of battle and war are still going on, how do we try to understand, make conversation, care and act?


Po-Ting Lin

Rights Contact:Jennifer Wang
W x H cm/pages/price:21×28.5 cm/40/NT$350

《Robert Swinhoe & Taiwan's amazing Animals》


Book Introduction

Glowing with the hue of enriched mystery,
an Island of East Asia summoned the desire of exploration rising from the west.
A British diplomat crossed the sea to come and delved into the little island. Instead of dedication to diplomatic activities, he devoted himself to recording over a thousand local species.

Follow the steps of Robert Swinhoe, the first naturalist of Formosa, to open up the course connecting the local species to the world and complete the jigsaw puzzle of Taiwan natural observation.

During his incumbency, Robert Swinhoe, the first British consul stationed in Taiwan, recorded more than a thousand species on the island. He also introduced some representative animals to the western world, including Taiwan black bear, Taiwan blue pheasant and Taiwan clouded leopard. Among his checklists of the local species, there are more than thirty species named after him.

Started by Age of Discovery as the prologue, this book first focuses on the uniqueness of Taiwan from a specific time section of the World History. Then it presents Swinhoe’s achievements during his stay in Taiwan and subsequently demonstrates the concept of Biogeography, which shows that the Ecology of Taiwan is distinctively precious. At the end of the book, bringing the readers back to the present, it introduces the recent natural environment in Taiwan through the investigations of birds produced by the citizen science to remind us all to collaboratively protect the living species on this island.


Da-Li Lin


Kiya Chang


Wanyun Chen

Rights Contact:SHERYL HO
W x H cm/pages/price:14.8×21 cm/188/NT$420

《The Giant Strawberry Cake》


Book Introduction

An unmissable and heartwarming picture book!
With the most affecting kinship and the sweetest feels, This story, written by a rural girl, is a sincere gift for every child.

If I am a pastry chef, what kind of desserts would I make for my family?
I hope that my elder sister and I are as resilient as chewy caramel fudge, so that we can be brave when facing difficulties.
And I am going to bake a mille-feuille for my auntie, so that our family members will be as inseparable as the layers within it.
As for my nanny, the chimney cake will be the perfect choice, which is just like her love, always wrapping me tight to keep me safe…

My mom left home soon after I was born. And my dad works at a faraway place and seldom comes back. My classmates always laugh at me, saying that I was abandoned. The fact is, though I don’t have my mom and dad by my side, I am fortunately looked after by my dear sister, auntie, uncle and nanny.

As a little kid, I am always thinking what can I do for them? If I become a pastry chef, I can make lovely pastry for them. Caramel fudge, chimney cake, mille-feuille, pineapple bun… each of them embodies my love and appreciation for my family!


Yi-Fei Jin


Ching-Yen Liu


Yu-Ling Tsai

Rights Contact:SHERYL HO
W x H cm/pages/price:21×26 cm/44/NT$380

《Uncovering Taiwan's Past》

Publisher:China Times Publishing Company

Book Introduction

This book is aimed at young adults and history enthusiasts. The author, a junior high school history teacher with 15 years of teaching experience, covers a wide spectrum of content—from prehistoric tales of indigenous tribes to the societal shifts following the relocation of the Republic of China government. Through a rich array of perspectives, the author stimulates readers’ thinking, sparking curiosity and contemplation in each chapter.
With a talent for using straightforward and humorous narration, the author skilfully presents historical events, perfectly balancing lightheartedness with intellectual stimulation. Throughout this journey, readers effortlessly traverse Taiwan’s historical complexities, experiencing a sensation of time travel as they explore the fascinating dimensions of its evolution.



Rights Contact:Kung hui chen
W x H cm/pages/price:14.8 x 21 cm/272/NT$350

《35 Fun Facts about Birds 》

Publisher:Hsin Yi Publications

Book Introduction

Mr. Te, who loves photography and has a profound background in popular science, will take photos of birds for many years and observe the processes of birds on the spot. He will select 35 children from the aspects of food, clothing, housing, transportation, brooding, and behavior. You will be curious, interested, and want to know about bird questions. It uses humorous and easy-to-remember comic strips and easy-to-understand Q&A explanations to supplement children’s little minds with light knowledge about birds, and stimulate children’s observation ability to explore birds. Uncovered many incredible and interesting bird stories.


Liao ChinTe


Hong Wei

Rights Contact:Arni Liu
W x H cm/pages/price:15×21 cm/112/NT$300

《Gap Teeth Girl》


Book Introduction

Joy (小芽) was a girl who loved to smile, and every time she took a photo, she always had the most cheerful smile. Suddenly, it was time for Joy (小芽) to start losing her baby teeth, and as a child excited and curious about growing up and this process, she eagerly awaited for her first tooth to fall out. However, the experience of losing her milk tooth did not turn out as she expected, and it left her feeling frustrated and disappointed.

Every child goes through the phase of losing their baby teeth, but sometimes the reactions of those around them can cause feelings of insecurity, and gradually children may become reluctant to open their mouths when taking photos or in daily life. This story is written by experienced children’s literature writer Ching-Yen Liu (劉清彥) and professional dentist Dr. Chun-Tai Lu(盧俊泰) , and illustrated vividly by Tsao I-Chu’s (曹一竹) lively and flexible body movements, facial expressions, and rich use of color and composition, tells a cute and relatable story of growth. The story captures the universal experiences of going through the process of losing baby teeth, and hopes to accompany children through their own personal journey of growth.

This story aims to help build a solid foundation of psychological support and recommendations for children facing frustration and setbacks in their growth process, and to teach them correct dental care practices, so that parents and children can face the process of losing baby teeth together, and happily welcome the arrival of new teeth and “growth” together.


Ching-Yen Liu


Chun-Tai Lu


Tsao I-Chu

Rights Contact:Roswitha Shih
W x H cm/pages/price:20×21 cm/40/NT$350

《Uncle Nick’s Bookcase》


Book Introduction

Uncle Nick had a deep passion for reading, and he frequently visited bookstores and libraries. Walking in empty-handed, he would always walk out carrying a stack of books. He was tireless in his reading and book buying, and consequently, his collection had gradually taken over all the space in his home!

Looking at his read books, Uncle Nick wondered to himself how wonderful it would be if these books could once again be seen and loved. After some tinkering and hammering, he created a mysterious large wooden box. What would go into this box?

Reading can reveal the hidden treasures within books, and sharing can bring joy and fulfillment. By creating a book box filled with your own books, you too can embark on a meaningful, delightful journey!


Shih Pei Chun


Yuan-Ting Tsai

Rights Contact:Roswitha Shih
W x H cm/pages/price:21.5 x 27.0 cm/40/NT$350


Publisher:Global Kids Books , a division of Global Views - Commonwealth Publishing Group

Book Introduction

On Monday, the sun comes to play hide and seek; On Tuesday, two octopuses come to play hide and seek; On Wednesday, three little chicks also come to play hide and seek… By Sunday, who will come to play hide and seek this time?
Author Chen-Kuo Liu, known for his consistently vivid geometric designs and illustrative style, has crafted this delightful and creative picture book. Infused with playful games, the book incorporates simple elements such as colors, shapes, numbers, cognition, and ecology, inviting children to make observations and comparisons in the visually engaging scenes.


Chen-Kuo Liu

Rights Contact:Siera Lai
W x H cm/pages/price:19.5 x 25.1 cm/40/NT$360

《Nothing is Impassible for Papa B - The Story of Dr. Olav Bjørgaas》

Publisher:Taiwan Church Press

Book Introduction

Dr. Olav Bjørgaas of Norway came to Taiwan in 1954. At first he served in the island’s north, treating patients of Hansen’s disease (leprosy) at Losheng Sanatorium. He later moved to the south and actively sought and persuaded hiding or hidden patients to come to his ‘special dermatology clinic’ in Kaohsiung for treatment. Bjørgaas also noticed that many households of lesser means could not give proper medical care to their children who contracted tuberculosis. In response, he established a sanatorium in Pingtung to house these children at risk.

A poliomyelitis epidemic struck Taiwan in the 60s. Again, many infected children were locked home or left to crawl around without watch. Bjørgaas asked the parents to entrust their kids to his care. The polio children were housed at the tuberculosis sanatorium, which was later renamed Pingtung Christian Victory Home.

Bjørgaas’s deeds are delineated in this book in terms of his relationship with a girl, Nana, who had severe deformation caused by the poliovirus. The girl and her little wardmates called Bjørgaas ‘Papa B’, and they thought he could accomplish everything. Indeed, Papa B, through tenacity and hard-working, made treatment, orthopedics, and education available for them. With assistive devices, the polio children regained mobility to go to school and eventually work.

The illustrator, Tsai Chao-Lun, used simple strokes of ink and wash to capture the tenderness and innocence of the children, as well as their determined facial expressions. The children might have to live with crutches and assistive devices for life, but, thanks to Bjørgaas, they knew by persisting in the right things, they could walk toward the future on their own feet, and any complaint or envy would be pointless.


Chiang Shu-Wen


Tsai Chao-Lun

Rights Contact:Yi-Le Huang
W x H cm/pages/price:29.7 × 21 cm/38/NT$300