
[Winner/Fiction] Mooyi 魔以


— Blaze a path across an overgrown island pass; condense a milieu of worries into a panorama of a thousand flavors.

This work narrates in flowing prose the sense of disorientation and desolation shared by modern society. The author leaves heartfelt signposts for those familiar souls who have never been truly remembered. While sounds evoke nostalgia, we can never truly return. True meaning lies between the lines and is hidden in plain sight, sighing softly in the response, restrained yet trenchant and delicately embroidered one thread at a time, creating from the jumble of everyday details a brilliant tapestry. Blaze a path across an overgrown island pass; condense a milieu of worries into a panorama of a thousand flavors. The affairs of humankind disperse in their own natural course across heaven and earth leaving behind the charming lilt of flowing poetry.


Author:SHU-YAO CHEN 陳淑瑤
Publisher:INK Literary Monthly Co., Ltd 印刻文學生活雜誌出版股份有限公司
Rights Contact:Jess Chang