Biography & True Stories
The Sound of Sch: A Mental Breakdown, A Life Journey
The Sound of SCH (pronounced S-C-H) is the true story of a journey with mental illness, beautifully told by Danielle Lim from a time when she grew up witnessing her uncle’s untold struggle with a crippling mental and social disease, and her mother’s difficult role as caregiver. The story takes place between 1961 and 1994, backdropped by a fast-globalising Singapore where stigmatisation of persons afflicted with mental illness nevertheless remains deep-seated. Unflinchingly raw and honest in its portrayal of living with schizophrenia, The Sound of Sch is a moving account of human resiliency and sacrifice in the face of brokenness.
Category:Biography & True Stories
Author:Danielle Lim
Publisher:Ethos Books
Rights Contact:Ng Kah Gay