
The birth of Jesus
Children’s & YA

The Birth of Jesus


This beautiful retelling of Jesus’ birth in a stable captures the awe and wonder of the biblical Christmas story with incredible artwork from world-renowned illustrator and paper engineer Agostino Traini. Each page of the story comes to life with charming illustrations and intricate pop-ups, from the angel’s visit to Mary to the moment she lays baby Jesus in the manger. The timeless Christmas story, now in pop-up form, is a perfect keepsake to read with young children and revisit for years to come.
The Birth of Jesus is a 2016 Moonbeam Award winner and a 2017 Illumination Award winner.
First published by: Beaming Books, Minneapolis for USA.
Published in Mexico by Buena Prensa.

size: 25 x 20 cm
pages: 14 full-colour pages
binding: hardcover
cover: matt art paper, laminated with pop-up cut-out figures


Category:Children’s & YA
Author:Agostino Traini
Illustrator:Agostino Traini
Publisher:Acoma Book
Rights Contact:Silvia Vassena