
Humanities & Social Sciences

Pursuing a Green and Sustainable Dream in Singapore (逐绿狮城,落地生根)


In his new book, Li Ruiwu shares his numerous life experiences entrepreneurial stories observations reflections and insights from starting and developing a green environmental enterprise in Singapore. He also discusses the implications of industrialization and urbanization on humanity from an ecological perspective and what the increasing number and height of skyscrapers in the city with their enclosed windowless indoor environments mean for our physical and mental health. At a time when ESG has become a global buzzword and with 80% of Singaporeans taking ESG into account in their investment decisions the author provides a wealth of valuable knowledge and practical guidelines for entrepreneurs and all businesses committed to ESG and sustainable development.


Category:Humanities & Social Sciences
Author:Li Ruiwu
Publisher:Lingzi Media
Rights Contact:Denon Lim