
Mountain Mirrors


Hakkanese Chang married Nakaw who is half Amis. They had a daughter, Pitai. Chang lived by the mountains his whole life: he ran an inn and sold lands. His very last land deal was with a professor who wishes to find peace in the mountains.
The journey follows Chang’s life path through views of Nakaw, Pitai, and Watan. These multiple perspectives present the love and crossroads in life as well as the conflicts and compromises when it comes to identity. Through these narratives, they trace a path of repentance, forgiveness, and rebirth.
Chang writes of mountains like a mirror: reflecting multiplicity and delineating the shapes of lives—from the complicated feelings of love and hate to the deepest darkest desires and struggles—all in all accentuating the insignificant and powerless aspects of humanity.


Author:Chang Chih-Hsin
Publisher:Chiu Ko Publishing Co.,Ltd
Rights Contact:張晶惠