
Children’s & YA

Mini Mysteries on Logic – Aunt teresa’s Investigations vol. 1


The series Logic Mysteries – Ms. Teresa’s Investigations was created on the basis of a programme for the enhancement of logical intelligences – first of all visual, then followed by linguistic and numeric – which is the result of three years of research by the SApIE Association (Society for Learning and Education Informed by Evidence;

The comic-style series, which fits into the narrative context of the «mystery» genre, is composed of 5 volumes, one for each primary school class. Each volume presents a new plot and offers exercises of increasing difficulty. Year by year the «challenge» and the logical and visual components to be practiced become more demanding.

Designed to be used independently by children in an extracurricular context, the series can also be used in the classroom, through activities in pairs or small groups.
The 5-volume series is adaptable worldwide and does not present any language obstacles.

Each volume contains: a comic-style story with a new case to solve; exercises and games of increasing difficulty, to collect clues and strengthen logic skills;
stickers to complete the table and discover the culprit.


Category:Children’s & YA
Author:Antonio Calvani, Benedetto Zanaboni
Illustrator:Agnese Innocente
Rights Contact:Valeria Agliuzzo