
Teaching, Language & Reference

Mini Mysteries on English Language – What a Mystery Mr Brit! vol. 1


A colourful and captivating workbook to introduce first grade primary school children to the main contents of the English language with fun activities accompanied by many illustrations and audio resources (accessible by QR code) for carrying out reading, writing, listening, and pronunciation exercises. The activities are proposed with a gradual approach to the written word and include specific exercises on the phonological and spelling characteristics of English. In addition, they are enriched with visual clues to facilitate understanding of the most frequent instructions in order to promote autonomy.

Narrative thinking
The proposed approach stimulates narrative thinking: the language work to be done is placed in a captivating narrative background about the adventures of Mr Brit, a nice old man who will have to solve a series of puzzles and mysteries. The story provides the framework of meaning necessary to stimulate motivation to learn and promotes the active participation of the child, who will help solve the mystery by playing the role of Mr Brit’s assistant.

Syllabus and QR codes
The syllabus used in the exercises is the same one adopted by Oxford in its primary school courses. The exercises are enriched with a dictionary and QR codes that help boys and girls understand the correct pronunciation of words.

The series counts 5 volumes, one per each primary school grade.


Category:Teaching, Language & Reference
Author:Luciana Favaro, Francesca Panzica, Michele Daloiso
Illustrator:Mauro Marchesi
Rights Contact:Valeria Agliuzzo