
Teaching, Language & Reference

Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Katsudo


Marugoto is a coursebook for adult learners of Japanese that is based on the JF Standard* for Japanese Language-Education. Learners at Starter level (A1) can understand the basic phrases and expressions used in everyday life. Based on the philosophy of “Japanese for mutual understanding,” each topic features people from a variety of cultural backgrounds interacting in Japanese. Hints about cross-cultural understanding, such as in dialog content, photos, and illustrations, can be found throughout the book. Marugoto also places importance on audio input for language learning, with many classroom activities for listening to natural conversation.
This series consists of a total of 9 books.


Category:Teaching, Language & Reference
Author:The Japan Foundation
Publisher:SANSHUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd.
Rights Contact:SANSHUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd.