
Geography & the Environment

Life of a tree told by itself


Ecology explained to children
A delicate and sensitive book, to communicate the fundamental concepts of ecology to children: to intrigue, stimulate questions, and help reflect.

A beautiful story and many curiosities to explore important issues such as biodiversity and climate change.
The years go by and Gina Leafy, a nice, attentive, curious and talkative oak tree, grows stronger and more robust by increasing the rings of her trunk.

Even the branches and shady foliage, which often shelters birds and other woodland animals, grow. Gina Leafy talks to them, discovers their stories, and meets with them generation after generation.

A slow flow of time, following the natural rhythm of the seasons, and the alternation between day and night, it becomes a funny autobiography, made up of encounters, and friendships, but also dangers.


Category:Geography & the Environment
Author:Luca Sciortino
Rights Contact:Valeria Agliuzzo