
[Finalist/Fiction] Le Bateau Ivre 醉舟


— Locked in tender embrace, a phantasmic man and a woman with a missing finger share stories to stanch each other’s wounds in time for the break of another day.

Lost time is not the end of time but rather a hidden stream flowing into another world. A phantasmic man and a woman with a missing finger meet furtively each night. Locked in tender embrace, they share stories to stanch each other’s wounds in time for the break of another day. A woman on death row, for a reason no one could say, grew stronger by the day until no mortal strength could hold her. For her, it was how she would die, not how she would survive, that mattered. Two teenagers turned out of school by the Japanese set off in pursuit of other ambitions only to find themselves caught in an awkward and dangerous no-man’s land between glory and shame – a place more deadly even than the frontlines of battle.


Author:PIERRE CHU 朱嘉漢
Publisher:INK Literary Monthly Publishing Co., Ltd. 印刻文學生活雜誌出版股份有限公司
Rights Contact:Jess Chang