
Characteristics of 36 Stratagems in World War II


World War II was the biggest great war in human history. This war continued for 6 years, and there were more than 30 countries participating in it. World War II is also called Total War, which mobilized all resources in the country to totally defeat the war and make the other countries lose their potential of making war.

Except for weapons and innovations that were made for war, “stratagems,” which means clever tricks or finesse in the situation, are also important things that are used in the war continuously. Moreover, the form of using 36 ancient Chinese stratagems also appeared in combat operations of the Allies and the Axis Powers. However, all those stratagems present us with prominent characteristics of military operation and some strategies in the war.

Studying the history of World War II through militarists’ perspectives by telling the true story and circumstances of the stratagems that were used in the battlefield. The author selected and summarized them in this book, Characteristics of 36 Stratagems in World War II. The reader will gain knowledge about several stratagems employed by each side, the decision-making process of the important general, and the turning point in World War II that marked a significant moment in human history.


Author:KruBen WarHistory
Publisher:Saengdao Publishing
Rights Contact:Wirin Laosang (Editorial and Rights Affairs Coordinator)