Geography & the Environment

Plastic Odyssey


Every minute, 19 tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean. The Plastic Odyssey project aims to remedy this ecological disaster. Their boat travels along the world’s most polluted coasts, collecting, sorting, and transforming plastic waste into useful objects or materials. Anything not recycled is converted into fuel to power the ship. From Marseille, Plastic Odyssey sailed to Lebanon, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco before heading to Cape Verde, Senegal, and Guinea. It will soon cross the Atlantic to South America before finishing its journey in the Pacific and Asia. The crew tests solutions adapted to local needs with residents and entrepreneurs at every stop. At the same time, teams worldwide are developing waste management projects in partnership with locals to tackle the greatest challenge of our time.


Category:Geography & the Environment
Author:Alexandre Dechelotte, Simon Bernard:
Publisher:Hachette Livre Group
Rights Contact:Janice YIP 葉芷欣