Science & Mathematics
Mini Mysteries on Numerical Intelligence – Inspector Numbers vol. 1
A fun game-book, created by Professor Daniela Lucangeli and her research group at the University of Padua, to practice numerical intelligence in primary school and learn mathematics with a playful and fun approach.
Inspector Numbers and her assistants, the Street Mice, must find the culprit from the theft on the film set in Piazza di Spagna in Rome, but they need your help to collect the clues!
Numerous exercises and fun games will allow primary school children to learn mathematics and practice numerical intelligence in an original and stimulating way.
The children will have to find the clues and collect the sticker-clues, to stick on the table of suspects, to solve the mystery.
The proposed activities have been studied to stimulate attention to mental processes that support learning mathematics; strengthen divergent and creative thought; involve students through an intriguing narrative that takes its cue from puzzles and playful teaching.
In the first volume the activities focus in particular on:
numbers from 1 to 20;
mental calculations: addition and subtraction;
geometry: visuo-spatial skills, shapes and shape rotation;
data handling: probability.
measurement: weight.
The series aims to transform mathematics learning into implicit learning and active fun. The 5 volumes have an increasing level of complexity, are designed in line with the school math curriculum, and can be useful both for consolidating learning and for tackling recuperation and review with a fun approach
Inspector Numbers and her assistants, the Street Mice, must find the culprit from the theft on the film set in Piazza di Spagna in Rome, but they need your help to collect the clues!
Numerous exercises and fun games will allow primary school children to learn mathematics and practice numerical intelligence in an original and stimulating way.
The children will have to find the clues and collect the sticker-clues, to stick on the table of suspects, to solve the mystery.
The proposed activities have been studied to stimulate attention to mental processes that support learning mathematics; strengthen divergent and creative thought; involve students through an intriguing narrative that takes its cue from puzzles and playful teaching.
In the first volume the activities focus in particular on:
numbers from 1 to 20;
mental calculations: addition and subtraction;
geometry: visuo-spatial skills, shapes and shape rotation;
data handling: probability.
measurement: weight.
The series aims to transform mathematics learning into implicit learning and active fun. The 5 volumes have an increasing level of complexity, are designed in line with the school math curriculum, and can be useful both for consolidating learning and for tackling recuperation and review with a fun approach
Category:Science & Mathematics
Author:Silvana Poli, Daniela Lucangeli, Adriana Molin, Nicoletta Perini
Rights Contact:Valeria Agliuzzo