Biography & True Stories
Illustrated Taiwan Keywords: A Hand-Drawn History of 1940-2020
Only when Taiwanese start to know their own history can they become full human beings, and only then can they become real Taiwanese. — Chiou Hsien-Hsin
This is the first album of caricatures that records Taiwan’s not-so-distant past from 1940 to 2020, completely bilingual with Chinese and English placed side by side. It compiles a total of 148 caricatures of Taiwan’s history and 302 important keywords of Taiwan, divided by event and arranged in chronological order. Like standing on a historical timeline, it guides us to experience memories of the past and show us important people and events from Taiwan since 1940.
This is the first album of caricatures that records Taiwan’s not-so-distant past from 1940 to 2020, completely bilingual with Chinese and English placed side by side. It compiles a total of 148 caricatures of Taiwan’s history and 302 important keywords of Taiwan, divided by event and arranged in chronological order. Like standing on a historical timeline, it guides us to experience memories of the past and show us important people and events from Taiwan since 1940.
Category:Biography & True Stories
Author:Chiou Hsien-Hsin
Illustrator:Chiou Hsien-Hsin
Publisher:Kuan Culture Studio
Rights Contact:Chen Kuan-Yu