Health & Personal Development
Naze boku wa meiso suru noka / なぜ僕は瞑想するのか
Vipassana meditation is a method that follows the Buddha’s path to enlightenment. This meditation method has been handed down in a school of Buddhism called Theravada Buddhism for 2,500 years, and is attracting worldwide attention as an efficient way to attain mental stability. The author, Kazuhiro Soda, an internationally acclaimed documentary filmmaker whose works include ” Campaign” and “Mental,” has observed and documented the subjective experience of this “Vipassana meditation” by experiencing it himself. After deciding to participate in a 10-day meditation training camp course, the author left his phone, computer, and wallet at a meditation center surrounded by nature, completely cut off all ties with the outside world, and sat and meditated for more than 10 hours a day for 10 days. This is a valuable reportage of ten days in which an ordinary person, not a religious practitioner, observed and recorded Buddha’s path to enlightenment.
Category:Health & Personal Development
Author:Kazuhiro Soda
Publisher:HOMESHA Inc.
Rights Contact:Yuta Imamura