Biography & True Stories
[Winner/Non-Fiction] The Book of Wreckage 殘骸書
—Survivors strive to block out the noise, but remember the resistance, the resolve, the freedom, and the dignity of those comrades who shared in their struggle.
The author made the difficult return to Jingmei and Green Island—— both memorial parks dedicated to remembering the horrors of Taiwan’s White Terror period. The memories of that day it began and its tangled cacophony of smells, sounds, temperature, and light weighed heavily upon his heart. A survivor, he could now revisit, reevaluate, and examine the cruelties that had wrecked his body and soul, his rights, his hopes, and his life. Survivors strive to block out the noise, but remember the resistance, the resolve, the freedom, and the dignity of those comrades who shared in their struggle.
The author made the difficult return to Jingmei and Green Island—— both memorial parks dedicated to remembering the horrors of Taiwan’s White Terror period. The memories of that day it began and its tangled cacophony of smells, sounds, temperature, and light weighed heavily upon his heart. A survivor, he could now revisit, reevaluate, and examine the cruelties that had wrecked his body and soul, his rights, his hopes, and his life. Survivors strive to block out the noise, but remember the resistance, the resolve, the freedom, and the dignity of those comrades who shared in their struggle.
Category:Biography & True Stories
Author:LIEH CHEN 陳列
Publisher:INK Literary Monthly Co., Ltd. 印刻文學生活雜誌出版股份有限公司
Rights Contact:Ms. I-Li Chiang