Life as the Power of Nirmitra
Super power of life can desire and start by practice and balance these 3 basic (thinking > mind > body). These states are cracking restless from Inner soul moving to body elements through thinking base. This can impact human on the sense of secured, wealthy, sustainable, and freewill. The people who really understand ,practice until they can balance this 3 states . They approach desired life, powerful mind and strong body, these states are called “Superman”. Those can develop the higher state can reach to wisdom in their soul. The characteristic of higher level of superman is healthy, wealth, delight, sharpen thinking system , enlightening, and independent of the body called “noble man”. Noble man is a person who have freedom of life , life ‘s designer and a pure soul. But high responsibility.. When you practice enough, the miracle life is in you. You don’t need to find the supernatural objects from somewhere else. Because it’s lied in you. Find and practice it as possible as you can! You will bang the universe.
Author:Dr.Pantipa Chanate
Publisher:Writer Soul Publisher
Rights Contact:Peeraya Kantaputra