Biography & True Stories
Growing Up Perempuan
Growing up as a woman is hard. Growing up as a woman in the Muslim community is harder. In a world still filled with superstitions, if you die during childbirth you become a vampiric ghost and if you survive you might get attacked by a flying ghost. You collect experiences in the workplace that should be office satire but aren’t. You face constant judgement, try to live up to endless expectations, and somehow…still fall short. Growing Up Perempuan is a collection of stories written by women, for women. This book offers stories of love and loss, strength and endurance, confidence and courage—stories that inspire and empower. This is a book about challenging the status quo and learning to chart our own paths instead of having the world define them for us.
Category:Biography & True Stories
Author:Filzah Sumartono & Margaret Thomas (editors)
Publisher:Association of Women for Action and Research/Ethos Books
Rights Contact:Ng Kah Gay