Geography & the Environment
Nature’s Rights (Die Rechte der Natur)
Explanation: It is no secret that progress in the fight against climate change and sustainability is progressing too slowly. For this reason, we cannot afford to rely exclusively on actions from the sphere of politics. We need to investigate all avenues for action, and one of these avenues is the legal realm. Affording rights to nature and enshrining these in our legal frameworks could reap immediate gains in terms of sustainability. By looking at a number of landmark cases in other countries, Tilo Wesche lays the philosophical and legal foundations for the question of how such rights could also be enshrined in Germany. Intro: In Nature’s Rights, Tilo Wesche looks at how – contrary to what we might first think – integrating nature into the system of property rights can protect it from the exploitative effects of private property. Drawing on examples from around the world, he makes a case for the inherent existence of nature’s rights within the existing principles of our legal systems.
Category:Geography & the Environment
Author:Tilo Wesche
Rights Contact:Elena Cascio