Biography & True Stories
Water. The Story of a Certain Kidnaping
In January 2020, Homero González, a butterfly keeper from a wildlife sanctuary, vanished without a trace in the Mexican state of Michoacán. Szymon Opryszek follows the trail of the last footprints left by the victim. The author discovers a spider web of local and global relations in his investigation: drug cartels, corrupt politicians, multinational corporations, and…– contended consumers gorging themselves on tasty avocados. And even though he’s looking for the missing activist, anytime he pricks up his ears, all he can hear is the sound of water. What do the monarch butterflies and avocado plantations have in common? What is the connection between the wailing fir trees and technological giants like Google or Meta? And why did the current events in Iraq affect the situation on the Polish-Belarussian border? The book inquires into one of the most burning problems of the modern world – the global water crisis. This book is essential to all of us. Just like water
Category:Biography & True Stories
Author:Szymon Opryszek
Publisher:Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
Rights Contact:Paulina Surniak